Sales goals and targets are pivotal in the full sales lifecycle process as they provide clear objectives and benchmarks for the sales team to strive towards. These goals serve as motivating factors, driving the team to generate awareness, capture interest, facilitate conversions, and secure repeat and referral business. They enable businesses to track progress, measure performance, and make informed adjustments to strategies and tactics, ultimately ensuring alignment with broader business objectives and sustained sales success.

sales strategy & planning

Through collaborative and strategic planning, we focus on developing and implementing the following to facilitate a more autonomous lead generation process:

  • 30 Second Commercial
  • Social Media Metrics
  • Online/Website Metrics
  • Traditional Media Metrics
  • Door-to-Door/B2B Metrics
  • Cold Call Metrics
  • Networking Metrics


Increasing sales without a quantified understanding of the drivers of current sales can create operational capacity instabilities, which is why it’s essential to measure the sales activities that generate sales performance. Activities are measured based on creating:

  1. Brand Awareness
  2. Expressed Interest
  3. Consideration
  4. Sales Conversion
  5. Repeat Business
  6. Received Referral Business

sales training & sop's

Creating and maintaining Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and training guidelines in the sales generation process involves a comprehensive approach to every stage of the customer journey. This includes generating awareness, piquing interest, fostering consideration, achieving conversion, nurturing repeat business, and promoting referral business. SOPs provide a structured framework for sales teams, ensuring consistent messaging, customer engagement, and follow-up strategies at each touchpoint. Ongoing training and regular updates to these guidelines are essential to adapt to market changes, new technologies, and evolving customer preferences, ultimately optimizing efficiency and effectiveness across the entire sales generation lifecycle.

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